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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Autumn 2014
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
oxidative stress, and is the subject of much
research and attention in the press. The
downside is, most standard curcumin extracts
aren’t well absorbed.
However, this specialized, high-absorption
curcumin is remarkable. It blends curcumin
extract with turmeric essential oils to boost
absorption and blood retention time up to
10 times that of standard 95% extracts. It also
stays in the bloodstream at meaningful levels
for up to 12 hours, so the benefits of cur-
cumin stick with you much longer.1
Boswellia, another time-tested botanical, is
an important ingredient here, too. It is espe-
cially potent at reducing the joint pain,
including arthritis, by inhibiting the inflamma-
tory enzyme, 5-LOX. This clinically-studied
boswellia is low in
-boswellic acid (which
interferes with beneficial activity) and has
higher levels of acetyl-11-keto-
acid (AKBA) to really boost the effectiveness
of the extract.
Together, curcumin and boswellia reduce
the tissue-damaging inflammation that causes
pain. When you use them, you’re not just
“covering up” the pain signals your body
sends out; you’re helping your body to heal.
In fact, they were both featured in an
osteoarthritis study that compared the two
botanicals to a generic celecoxib (known
under the brand name Celebrex®) for indi-
viduals with osteoarthritis.
In this study, one group received celecoxib,
100 mg, twice daily while the second group
received a 500 mg blend of the high-absorp-
tion curcumin and the high-AKBA, low-beta
boswellia extract twice daily.
When it came to relieving pain, 64% of
those taking the herbal ingredients versus
29% in the drug group improved to such a
high degree that they were able to move
from having “moderate to severe arthritis” to
“mild to moderate arthritis.”2
Two additional ingredients that will heal
and preserve your knees and joints are vita-
min D3 and fructoborate. Vitamin D3 keeps
knee cartilage stronger, but it’s common for
older individuals to have deficiencies. A
recent study examined serum vitamin D lev-
els in postmenopausal women. 53% percent
of the women were deficient in vitamin D,
and only 17% had sufficient blood levels of
the nutrient. They reported joint pain and
swelling, too. 3,4
Fructoborate is a highly-absorbable form of
boron that has been clinically shown to
reduce joint pain in volunteers with severe
osteoarthritis in just 8 weeks.5 It also helps
the body absorb and use vitamin D3, and
boosts levels of DHEA (dehydroepiandros-
terone), a hormone that supports the adrenal
glands and keeps your energy levels and
endurance in peak form.6
Staying active means more than relieving
It’s easy to think that pain relief is the only
thing to consider. But these ingredients pro-
vide your knees and joints with nutrients that
help them heal and thrive. If you suffer from
knee and joint pain and want a safe and nat-
ural solution, this combination will help you
get back to your active life.
About Terry Lemerond
Terry Lemerond is a natural health pioneer
with over 40 years of experience. He has
owned health food stores, founded dietary
supplement companies, formulated over 400
products, and was the first to introduce glu-
cosamine sulfate, IP-6, standardized Ginkgo
biloba, and other award-winning products to
the U.S. natural products market. Terry is a
published author and appears on radio, tele-
vision, and is a frequent guest speaker nation-
wide. This energy and zeal are simply part of
Terry’s mission — as it has been since the
beginning of his career—to improve the
health of America.
1. Antony B, Merina B, Iyer VS, Judy
N, Lennertz K, Joyal S. A pilot cross-over
study to evaluate human oral bioavailability
of BCM-95 CG (Biocurcumax™) a novel
bioenhanced preparation of curcumin. Ind J
Pharm Sci. 2008:445-449.
2. Antony B, Kizhakedath R, Benny M,
Kuruvilla BT. Clinical Evaluation of a herbal
product (Rhulief™) in the management of
knee osteoarthritis. Abstract 316.
Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2011;19(S1):S145-
3. Heidari B. Association between
serum vitamin D deficiency and knee
osteoarthritis. Int Orthop. 2010 Dec 30
4. Chlebowski RT, Johnson KC, Lane
D, Pettinger M, Kooperberg CL, Wactawski-
Wende J, Rohan T, O'Sullivan MJ, Yasmeen S,
Hiatt RA, Shikany JM, Vitolins M, Khandekar
J, Hubbell FA. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D concen-
tration, vitamin D intake and joint symptoms
in postmenopausal women. Maturitas. 2011
5. Pilot clinical trial of fructoborate in
vitamin D deficient human volunteers. Data
6. Department of Orthopedic
Medicine. University of Novi Sad. Serbia.
Data unpublished.
Protecting The Heart: Nutrients
Lowered Bad And Raised Good
Cholesterol Levels
Probiotics reduced LDL
Many people are aware that high levels of
LDL, the “bad” cholesterol, raise chances for
heart problems, but far fewer know that a
healthy gut—the stomach and intestines—
also plays an important role in maintaining
heart health. Doctors in this study reviewed
26 clinical trials and two large analyses on
the effects of probiotics on LDL. Of all probi-
otic strains, L. reuteri lowered LDL and total
cholesterol most, and reduced signs of
inflammation significantly.
Participants who took L. reuteri twice per
day for nine weeks had levels of LDL choles-
terol 11.6 percent lower than placebo.
Discussing their findings, doctors said that
people know probiotics for digestive health
but do not think of probiotics for heart
health, adding, “It’s time to recognize probi-
otics’ role as a simple and natural tool to
manage cholesterol,” and recommend peo-
ple add probiotics to their diet and exercise
program to manage heart health.
Reference: Nutrition Reviews; 2014, Vol. 72,
No. 1, 18-29
Grape extract raised good cholesterol
HDL—the “good” cholesterol—helps pro-
tect against heart and circulatory problems.
In this study, 24 men and women who were
overweight, pre-diabetic, or had elevated
blood pressure, took a placebo or 350 mg of
whole grape extract per day.
After six weeks, those in the whole grape
extract group had much higher levels of HDL
compared to placebo, and signs of oxidative
stress and oxidized LDL decreased signifi-
cantly for the whole grape group while
increasing for placebo. Oxidized LDL is pro-
inflammatory and plays a role in vascular dis-
Whole grape extract contains concentra-
tions of powerful antioxidants called proan-
thocyanidins, including catechin, epicate-
chin, and epicatechin-3-O-gallate. Doctors
said the findings are important for people
such as those in the study with greater
chances of heart and circulatory problems,
and that raising levels of HDL helps protect
the heart.
Reference: Journal of Functional Foods;
2014, Vol. 7, 680-91
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. . . continued from page 78
The ingredients described above can be
found in combination in this product from
Terry Naturally:
Product Number: 60748
60 Capsules
List: $39.95 Disc: $35.95
Healthy Knees & Joints provides the
clinically-tested combination of BCM-95®
high-absorption curcumin and BosPure®
specialized boswellia extract combined
with Vitamin D3 and fructoborate for
even greater benefits.*