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Omega-3 and Lupus

Omega-3 and Lupus

Article by Arnie Gitomer

Omega-3 and Lupus

Lupus is a chronic inflammatory condition that can affect all body systems with a range of symptoms, one of the most common of which is fatigue. In this study, doctors found low levels of antioxidants, omega-3s, and an impaired ability to generate cellular energy in 32 participants with lupus. Earlier studies had found omega-3 supplements had reduced oxidative stress.

Participants with lupus took a placebo or 2,250 mg of EPA plus 2,250 mg of DHA per day. After six months, while there were no changes for placebo, inflammation, overall symptom scores, energy, fatigue, and emotional well-being scores had all improved in the omega-3 group.

(Reference: Nutrition Journal; August, 2015, 14:82, Published Online)